Honouring The Memory and Advancing Professional Nursing
The Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses is dedicated to preserving and maintaining a living Memorial Scholarship in honour and remembrance of nurses who served in the Australian Defence Forces at home and abroad.
The Scholarship exists to promote and support continuing development of knowledge in the nursing and midwifery professions.
Download a Scholarship Application Form.
The Centaur Postgraduate Scholarship provides a one-year grant of $15,000.00 awarded to a Queensland nurse or midwife undertaking a Professional Doctorate or Doctor of Philosophy studies in nursing or midwifery or a related discipline.
Applications open early August and close first business day of October each year.
To be eligible for the Centaur Scholarship the applicant must:
- be a resident in Queensland
- hold an unconditional licence to practice as a nurse or midwife in Australia
- have successfully achieved their Confirmation of Candidature.
- at the 1st March next year, have a minimum of 12 months full time equivalent [ie 24 months if part-time] remaining in your candidature
On successful completion of the postgraduate studies Centaur scholarship recipients are entitled to use the postnominal: Centaur Fellow.
Criteria for awarding the Centaur Joy Croker silver medal:
- The prize is awarded for the highest grade point average (GPA) in a nursing subject studied throughout a 3 year (or equivalent) undergraduate degree.
- Only one Centaur undergraduate prize will be offered to each university conducting an undergraduate nursing degree course, regardless of the number of campus attributed to that university.
- The Centaur undergraduate prize will comprise, a Joy Crocker Silver Medal (approx value $400) engraved with the student’s name, and a book on the history of the AHS Centaur.
- The awardees are advised that their name and photo may appear on the CMFN website, unless otherwise requested.
The prize is available to all Queensland Universities providing undergraduate nursing degrees
Universities should submit the names of students eligible for the Joy Croker silver medal to the Secretary, Centaur Memorial Fund for Nurses